Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011
Clematis in the Mountains
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Who is Coronel Tapiocca?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Looking to Heaven!
I have seen a lot of cathedrals in my day: St. Peter's; St. Paul's in London; Westminster Abbey; Notre Dame; and many more. So when Diana told me we were going to see another cathedral in Seville, I knew it would be nice, but I didn't expect to be impressed.
When we walked in, we looked up. And we kept looking up. And we kept looking up. The cathedral was built to meet heaven, and we do believe it does. It was so tall, we nearly got a kink in our necks trying to look at it. I continue to marvel at how the builders back then were able to build so high without cranes and heavy machinery. I guess that's what makes it even more miraculous.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
A Spanish Garden Tour

The first thing we noticed about the city of Cordoba in Spain was the beauty of their small, quaint streets. Everyone had flowers in their window boxes. Geraniums dominated the boxes, but we also saw bougainvillea and others. They were gorgeous.
At the end of the day, we went to a patio tour . . . the Cordoban version of a garden tour. Certain homes would open their patios so that visitors could come in and see their gardens.
We only saw four of them, and our clear favorite was the first. It had a well in its center, and the plants were everywhere. The others were fun and inviting, and Don even found a gecko hiding on a wall in one of the gardens.
We didn't see many flowers that we would find in Wichita, but we certainly enjoyed looking at the ones in the patios.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Perfect Flight!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Shoes Make the Trip!
Shoes make a trip. If a person has the wrong shoes, the trip can be ruined . . . that is the voice of experience talking. So for our trip to Spain, I went to my favorite shoe store (and that is saying something because I hate shoe shopping) to find some comfortable shoes. I knew Ecco shoes were golden because I had two pairs in Germany, and they were perfect.
I found a very stylish pair of Ecco Mary Jane's that fit really well. Then I bought a nice soft sandal that I thought would do the trick. After everything was packed, I decided that maybe I should throw in my tennis shoes . . . just in case.
Don had packed his hikers and his slip-ons, but for the plane trip, he wore his light moccasin-style shoes. Unfortunately, his baggage didn't quite arrive on time, so he had to wear those moccasin-style shoes for several days.
The first day in Madrid, Don and I walked with Di to her school, walked through the Prado, and then walked home. Uh Oh. Although the blisters hadn't formed yet, I could tell I was in trouble. I didn't have any socks for my cute Mary Jane's, and on a hot day, with as much walking as we were going to do, I knew they wouldn't do. So, as much as I didn't want to, I wore my tennis shoes to Cordoba.
Don could tell he was going to be in trouble, too. Just with walking in Madrid, his feet hurt, since his shoes had no support. But surely, his luggage would come before we left for Cordoba the next day . . . surely.
But no. It wasn't to be. So he had to wear his moccasins again. We walked at least ten miles in Cordoba. The bumpy cobblestones would have created a very bad situation if I had been wearing the sandals or the Mary Jane's. But my feet didn't even hurt in my tennies. Don, on the other hand, suffered greatly whenever he had to walk on the cobblestones - which was almost all of the time. So through Sevilla, Granada, Toledo, and Segovia, my white "Look at me, I am a tourist" shoes kept my feet from aching; but Don got no such relief until we returned from Granada and retrieved his suitcase.
I did wear my Mary Jane's on the one day in Madrid where we only walked four or five miles. But they were all on paved streets, smooth and easy, and it was a cool day. I never even wore my sandals. And once he got them, we couldn't pry Don's hikers from his feet.
So from now on, no matter how ugly they are, I am taking tennis shoes or hikers with me. It just isn't worth it to worry about having sore feet, especially as much as we walk on our trips!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
We Are Worn Out!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
One of my Favorite Flowers!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Finally! Found Them All!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
The Goldfinch