Tuesday, June 20, 2017


I started this post in May.  Don had gone to the cabin on my birthday, but I had stayed home, waiting for Baby Mia.  She was supposed to be born about May 19, but I just knew she would be early - second babies usually are.  But every appointment I had made prior to May 19 were met, and I did get to go to Chase's graduation, which was great fun.

In the meantime, I cleaned the basement, painted some dried gourds, went to art class, had lunches, got ready to go (my suitcase was packed for the weather of mid-May, which was cool.  By the time I left, it was no longer cool . . . but I didn't change out the clothes.  Oops!), but still no baby.

Finally, on May 28, I was asked to come to Kansas City.  They thought the time was approaching, so after church, I headed out.  Melinda was having some contractions, but she didn't think they were that bad.  Through the night, and most of the next day, she was in labor.  Kenneth, Caleb and I played and had fun . . . though Kenneth was making sure Melinda was as comfortable as she could be.  Finally at 4:50 on May 29, she decided to head to the hospital . . . and Baby Mia arrived at 6:00.  Phew - barely made it! The wait was over.

Where did April . . . and May go?

Holy toledo!  It is already May . . . and between a trip to the cabin after returning from Spain, Easter, and another trip to the cabin, we lost a month, or at least it seems as if we did.

Construction on the new cabin addition began just after Easter, and they are moving along.  We discovered that this project is long overdue.  We discovered numerous rotten places in the bathroom walls, quite a few places where mice or bigger varmits could get in, and some interesting "old-time" plumbing.

Pictures will be posted along the way, but suffice it to say, this is one project that will be a terrific upgrade!

. . . and where did May go?  Between cabin construction and the birth of baby  Mia . . . well, it is now towards the end of June.  I have a lot of catching up to do . . . and I will . . . soon.