Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fruity Water

I know that fruity water is not a new idea.  I have many times been to restaurants or spas where they have offered lemon water, lemon-cucumber water, or lime water.  And I always like it.

Last week, I went to the restaurant Taste and See in Wichita.  They offered a fruity water that I loved, and I am certain the key ingredient was watermelon.  Lemons, limes, oranges, and watermelon.  So I decided to try it.

I found a large clear jar with a spigot on it.  Unfortunately, it isn't mine but I borrowed it just to see what I thought.  I sliced one orange, one lemon, one lime, and a piece of watermelon.  Then with the addition of ice and water, I was ready.

I thought it looked so pretty, and with the ice in it, I didn't have to refrigerate it, at least not at first.  Then I tasted it . . . man, oh man was it good.  Since I have had this concoction in the refrigerator, I have been willing to drink much more water.

Beth, a friend of mine, makes a similar kind of water, but she puts strawberries in hers.  It, too, is tasty.

I have figured out that one of the keys to keeping the water from getting cloudy is to drink it quickly.  Then it doesn't have time to cloud up.  I have also learned that if it is kept full but being emptied, the fruit can be left in for several days.  I am still working on the same fruit I used Tuesday, and it still is good.  By the end of the day, however, I think I will have to empty it.  Imagine how good the kitchen will smell after I run all of the citrus down the disposal.

For those of us who need to increase our intake of water while decreasing our intake of coffee, diet pop, or other beverages, this is a great way to do it!

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