Sunday, October 14, 2012

Walking in a 5K

This fall I have walked in more 5Ks than I have ever walked in before.  A total of 2.  I used to run them, and I loved to run . . . but having children pretty much did me in for that activity.  So I have turned to walking and I do walk a lot.  But I don't usually enter events in which to walk.

This year, however, I have done two of them.  The first, the Komen Race for the Cure, was in honor of Kim.  We usually are not in town for this one, but because football was a little different schedule, we were home.  I decided if there is one race I could, and should, do, this was it.  So I went to KWCH, got my red and blue Kim's Crew shirt, and joined the fray.  Luckily, I ran into Dave Dahl, who with his wife and her sister, started next to me.  We both are Chatty Cathys, and the walk was over before we ran out of subjects to talk to about.

This morning (Sunday) was the Prairie Fire Marathon, Half Marathon, and 5K.  As a part of their wellness program, Don's firm was holding a departmental competition to see how many people would participate.  We were there at 7:15 a.m., doing our part of uphold the integrity of the Facilities group.  Although several in the group were runners (4 marathoners and a few half-marathoners), most of us were just walkers.

For this walk, the Hagers and we started out together.  Soon Daryle and Don were ahead of us, and Arlene and I brought up the rear.  We had a delightful conversation, and again, the race ended long before we ran out of subjects.  The funny part was the half-marathoners, who started 15 minutes before we did, were finishing at the same time as we.

I have learned a couple of things about 5K walks:

1.  I should do more of them;
2.  It is fun to connect with people who are on the periphery but not part of the mainstream of friends;
3.  Life is interesting;
4.  I would be thinner if I walked 3 miles every day.

I don't know when the next 5K will be, but the weather has been perfect, the talk exhilarating, and the walk healthful.  For what more could I ask?


  1. road races are fun. even when you walk them. in fact, they're more fun when you take them slowly and do them with friends. Same as pretty much everything else in life.
