Monday, August 12, 2019

Christ Church

So what is there to do in the Cabela's parking lot besides visit with the people who are boon docking?  On a Sunday morning, it seemed like going to church would be a good idea.  We knew it would be good for our souls . . . and a little divine intervention would be very helpful!

We scoped out several churches and decided upon one that was not far from the Cabela's store.  We arrived early, thinking the service was at 10 rather than 10:30, so we spent some time visiting with the priest and the associate.  Lovely women who are truly dedicated to their small parish.

From the outside, the church does not look like most of the Episcopal churches we have seen:

Love the bell tower, and hidden to the right is the red door
but it did have a red door.  We found out that not only are there two Pokemon creatures to be found in the parking lot, but there is also a geo-cache box at the bell tower - with directions to ring the bell!

The inside of the church is truly special.  The altar rail is made of diamond willow, the kneeling cushions had been hand-hooked by parishioners, and a large cross on the wall is also made of diamond willow.  The wood was lovely!  Yet, the accoutrements on the altar, the service, the hymns were all so familiar, we felt right at home.  One thing about the Episcopal Church - the service is the same no matter where you are!

We loved the Diamond Willow on the altar rail

There were only about 20 of us in attendance as many of the parishioners are traveling.  During the passing of the peace, every single person shook our hand.  We received a Travelers' Prayer and Blessing at the end of the service; the priest spoke about anxiety and how God calls us to be calm; we sang more songs than I have ever sung at an Episcopal church, most of them from an African-American hymnal (which I loved, loved, loved); and during communion, we had our choice of three different "wines" - the common cup, the cup to dip our bread into, and grape juice.  I had never seen that done before but thought it was a very inclusive way to handle different people's needs.

And I had an ah-ha moment.  Music is such an important part of worship, at least to us.  At the service, the music was provided by a piano player who could only play the melody line and a guitarist.  Many of us in the congregation were off-key or our voices would not go where we wanted them to go - yet the glorious noise we were making was truly heart-felt.  Although I have always known that it doesn't matter what it sounds like, at this church service, I believed it!

I usually get pretty restless after about an hour in church, but somehow, the 1.75 hours flew by.  Perhaps proof that we really needed the spiritual re-charging!

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