Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 July 31, 2020.  A day that shall live in our minds forever - not exactly momentous for many, but for us - well, interesting.

A storm blew in as I was cooking dinner.  The lights blinked, and I looked outside to see the electric wires convulsing in the wind.  The lights went out . . . and then I saw the power line laying on the ground 3 feet from the wall.  My first thought was that it was live, but some further inspection showed that the fuse in the transformer across the river had blown, and the line was dead.

As I was trying to call the Mora Coop (which was not possible with our rotary phone), Don determined what the problem was.  The very large tree at the propane tank had died, and I had mentioned to Don that it looked like it was leaning.  Indeed it was, and the big gust of wind had snapped it off about twenty feet up, crashing it on the road below us.  This was the second time a tree has fallen over the road right before we were preparing to leave.

In this case, we got very lucky.  Some people were going to be staying at the cabin above us, and they arrived about 5 minutes after the tree had fallen.  Yikes!  Don grabbed his reticulating saw, and with the help of the people who were to go up the hill, they had cleared the slash off the trunk and cars could pass up and down again.

It took about two hours for the linemen to arrive - they had driven from Mora to help us.  They arrived nearly at dark, but they had us hooked up in no time.  We were very grateful they were able to get to us so quickly.

We decided to leave the trunk where it is, as it will prevent people from parking there and camping.  And we are mourning the loss of our beautiful tree.

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