Saturday, June 18, 2011


I really miss my dad. Eleven years later, and not a day goes by that I don't think of him . . . and Mom. Dad was the quiet force behind Mom's discipline. He was the one who reinforced the importance of us girls being able to stand on our own two feet. He was a great model of how to be an honest businessman, a good person, a nice person.

Luckily, Don's dad is still with us. The lessons we have learned from him are different, but just as valuable. I have learned from Kenny that happiness comes from love and caring . . . not from money. I have learned patience, and I have watched a man of immense faith carry on after the love of his life passed on. But the most important thing that he taught his boys is how to be good husbands and good dads. Kenny has served as an amazing example of the husband who cared deeply for his family, lived for them, provided for them. Nothing has been more important to him than his wife and four boys.

His four boys have all turned into great dads. They too deeply love their wives and their children. They understand their priorities, and they have all provided a safe and loving home for their families. I was lucky to marry one of those men. He is a wonderful husband and a terrific father. Happy Father's Day, Don!

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