Sunday, September 27, 2015

It's Not a Coincidence . . . or is it?

I am not a believer in coincidence, or at least not most coincidences. Occurrences that could be construed as coincidence happen too often to me to always be that.  One such oddity occurred just this week.

Earlier this summer I began researching authors for our author dinner.  I had picked a few to check with, and when one had to decline I went back to the drawing board.  One of the authors looked promising, and I began to research his credentials.  Sounded really good.  Then I heard about another author, one with whom I had taught.  After reviewing his books, ultimately I decided the second fit better with our program.  I called him a week ago, and he accepted.  I decided that I would take the next year to get to know the other author in hopes that he could be a part of our 2017 group.

The Monday after I filled the position, our neighbor across the street came over to tell us that he had sold his house and he was moving.  We knew he had wanted to move back to the west side of town, so we were happy for him, but it is always scary when new neighbors move in.  We held our breath.

On Wednesday, the moving truck arrived.  It wasn't long before the wife met Don while he was waxing the rv, and I came out to meet her.  As we began to talk, she mentioned her husband, who is a history teacher at a local high school and who is an author.  When she told me their last name, I just said, "That is hilarious."  I am certainly going to have an opportunity to meet the other author, as he now lives across the street from us!  Coincidence or not?

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