Sunday, February 19, 2017

Father/Goddaughter Dance

In late January, Don was asked if he would be willing to take his goddaughter, Rhea, to a father/daughter dance in Valley Center.  Of course he said yes, but he wanted to make sure that Rhea asked him to go with her.  Don and Rhea's mom created a situation where they would be in the same place, and once Rhea asked him, the game was on.

The night of the dance, Don picked Rhea up at the house.  She is fairly shy, so the drive was quiet.  They waited in line for the corsage, they waited in line for the tickets, they waited in line for the dinner of spaghetti and salad . . . and then they couldn't find a place to sit with her friends.  So she and  Don sat at table where they knew no one.  Don kept asking Rhea to introduce him to her friends, but she was so shy, she wouldn't do it.  About the time she thought she wanted to go home, one of Rhea's neighbors invited Don and her to dance with them.  Well . . . that broke the ice!  After that, they never left the dance floor.  Don taught her how to twirl, and he taught her a few dance steps as well.  By the time the dance was over, Rhea was all smiles, and Don was a sweaty, exhausted 64-year-old.

Don's goal was to make sure Rhea had fun.  And she did.  I would say it was a successful night.

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