Friday, February 17, 2017

Funny Little Boys (and girls)

There is something about little ones when they first begin to talk that makes people smile.  Each child has their own eccentricities, but unfortunately, I don't remember many of my kids' sayings.  I think I was just so busy, I couldn't take time to enjoy them as much.  But now that I am a grandma . . . well, that is a game changer.

Caleb has been quite verbal from the beginning.  He began singing with me fairly early by completing sentences:  There is a boy I love so much and Caleb is his name-o.  Except he would say, "Cayboo name-o name-o."  That has since become Cayeb, as he tries to pronounce his "l."

The other day, his mother told him he could go to bed, or he could go to the potty first and then go to bed.  "More options?"  he asked.  And then on the potty, he told my friend, Kristen, "More privacy, please."  Hilarious.

He asks for "Gamma sing,"  and when he wants to know a definition, he will say, "Fabulous mean?"  or "Extremely mean?"  And his mom explains it for him.

We didn't take the RV the last time we went to KC, much to his disappointment.  We told him we would bring it next time, and he said, "Pwomise?"

There are many more, but I can't seem to remember them.  I think old age is catching up with me!

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