Thursday, June 20, 2019

A Week Re-Retired

I have to say it didn't take long to get back into the retired groove.  BUT . . . the sleep late part has not kicked in.  I think trying to get to Kansas City to see the kids, get to several lunches, shopping for Alaska, and preparing for Alaska have both Don and me energized . . . or stressed.

We needed to go to KC to see the kids.  Caleb said we needed to leave at 4 because it takes 3 hours to get to Kansas City, and he wanted us there by 7 for breakfast.  The next day when we called from here, he asked us where we were.  When I told him we were still at home, he said, "I told you leave at 4.  I got up at 3:30 to go to San Diego."  So we left at about 9 . . . only to break down in Emporia.

We figured out the problem after we returned home, and $200 later for the cost of a diagnostic machine, we left for KC on Saturday, and we actually made it.  Of course, that was too easy, so on the way home, our air conditioner went out.  It is getting awfully close to our trip for these stupid little things to start happening.

We had ordered a memorial bench for baby Mia, and it was to be dedicated at church on June 23.  Of course, despite us being told it had been delivered last Wednesday, it was MIA.  The bill of lading said it was delivered . . . wish it had been.  On Tuesday, however, we received a call that it had been dropped off (I wish I knew how many states it had travelled through before it arrived), and it is to be installed on Friday at 1:30 - just in time for the dedication on Sunday.

Our church ice cream social is Sunday.  I am usually in charge of the baskets . . . unfortunately, three of the five people who usually help have had things come up and they cannot help as much as they usually do (though they still are doing plenty).  That leaves just two of us to serve, keep things clean, etc.  Don always makes two or three batches of raspberry sorbet for the event.  Unfortunately, he was in such a hurry on his third batch, he forgot to add the simple syrup . . . it was a little tart.  Thank goodness he was able to recover and no harm done.

So . . . the RV is at the shop, the kids are coming into town, Mia's bench is here . . . and all is well.  The moral:  Don't sweat the small stuff!

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