Monday, September 9, 2019


I wish we had been in a part of town where we could have appreciated Calgary more.  Being in an industrial area makes it difficult to find the nicer parts of town.

We did venture in Inglewood, which is a mix of Wichita's Old Town and Delano.  We couldn't spend a lot of time there, since we had the dogs with us, but the shops are cute, the architecture vintage, and the restaurants trendy.  We spent every morning in the Starbucks there, as they have wifi, something missing from our gravel-beach luxury site.  Then we listened to the KSU game, we found a place to sort-of watch the Chiefs (we were told they could get it, and then they didn't, but the food was good), did our laundry, cleaned the RV . . . the usual stuff.  Somehow, we just don't seem to want to go to the touristy stuff here . . . probably because we are a little unsure about what is going to happen.

The flower boxes in Inglewood are spectacular.  The temperate weather here and north allows for beautiful flowers, and Calgarians make the most of it.  Walking around in the cool weather does put a skip in one's step.  If I lived in Calgary, I know I would spend some time in this area. (Picture to come - rain does not lend itself to pretty pictures of flowers)

When we were at the laundromat last night, a family with two little girls was also there.  The older girl, who is a bit older than Caleb, was quite animated in her "Only Child Expired in 2018" shirt.  She and I began to talk, and soon we were singing songs together, I did the "I'm Being Swallowed by a Boa Constrictor" song, and we ended by singing Baby Shark.  (This morning, I awakened singing that silly song!)  She was really cute . . .

A man and his little son were also there.  The man was pretty grumpy, (he had already yelled at the attendant who was taking his clothes out of a washer so someone else could use it), and he kept yelling at the little boy because the little boy was trying to get out of the stroller, and Dad was folding mountains of laundry.  I wish I had thought of it sooner, but I offered to take the little boy on a stroll around the laundromat - Wild Bob style, wheelies and all.  The little guy didn't know what to think, but at least he wasn't screaming, and Dad wasn't yelling.  Dad seemed extremely appreciative, and I even got a smile out of him.  Sometimes a little kindness is all it takes!

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