Wednesday, September 28, 2022

And That is Why We Bought the Ranch

When we went to the cabin in April, we noticed the land was very dry, so we were not surprised when a fire started near Las Vegas. As we watched it increase in size and intensity, however, we began to worry. Red Flag warnings were not helping, and the fire was tearing through the east side of the mountains. By May 2, the Canyon was closed and did not open all summer. Cabin owners were allowed in for the month of July, but in August, even they were not allowed. The rains began in July, and when a few people were killed from mud slides, we were all kicked out. But those of us who had private land were allowed to remain. In August we were the only people around . . . it was heavenly, despite the fact that we could not leave the property. We did have our defensible space expanded, and while they were at it, they took a tree off the Macpherson cabin. Luckily, the rains did not start until that project was done, and the rains, when they began, did not stop. The creek was as high as we have ever seen it, and we are hoping this bodes well for a good snowpack this winter. We also had a bear visit us. We took in our bird feeder and he never returned . . . which is good, but I love seeing the bears. It was an interesting summer, but we were lucky to be able to be in the Canyon. (Pictures include the Simpson family, the tree on the Macpherson cabin, the river coming out onto our road, a beautiful sunset, Di and Daniel, the Posse, and creating defensible space.)

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