Thursday, September 29, 2022

Inauspicious Beginnings

The trip started out well enough. Our flight from Wichita landed ahead of time, a flawless flight. Micky was waiting at baggage claim, just as planned. The shuttle to Aloft arrived in no time, and three minutes later we were at the hotel checking in. Walking to dinner, where Don and I shared a delicious hamburger, worked off some calories; early to bed - no sweat. We were told to be at the airport 2.5 to 3 hours early, which we were - gratefully. I have never seen so many people trying to catch a flight. Don and I headed to Pre-check and were told to go to #1, because the line was shorter. What seemed like 10 miles later, we arrived, waited longer than a “short” line should wait, and got to our gate - 10 minutes after Micky, who did not have Pre-check, arrived. Don was somewhat amped by that time, but had just calmed down when we were told the computer system had crashed, and all flights were on hold. Luckily, within 30 or 45 minutes, they had rectified the issue, we were able to catch the plane, and another flawless flight ensued. During that time, we met several people on our expedition, which was lovely, and after landing, Ketchikan awaited us. Unfortunately, we also discovered that Melinda had contracted Covid, and Kenneth was sure he had it, too. Oh joy. Luckily, I was not with them when they were exposed and coming down with it. We were relieved, however, when we cleared the Covid test and were on our way. Because one person did test positive, we were advised to wear masks while inside - not our favorite idea, but we are glad to do it.

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