Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I have been going to the cabin since 1960.  In those years we have seen hundreds of deer behind our cabin.  Although we had seen elk in the wilderness, about 10 years ago, we began to see signs of elk in our area, though we never actually saw one.  We just saw the tree marks in the aspens where they had taken a big chomp out of the bark, so we knew they were there.

When we were in the canyon last weekend, we saw our first elk.  He was calmly grazing in the meadow up the road.  Kenneth and Don scrambled to get a camera, but when they went back, he was no longer in the meadow.  Sharp-eyed Don, however, saw him standing in the woods behind the meadow, and after a few minutes, the big guy moved back down.  They got some beautiful pictures of him, but they were from far away.

Several days later, he was again in the meadow and we got this picture of him.  I am a little worried that he is too tame!

Another day or two later, I was walking by the window and happened to look outside.  Guess who was there?  This same big boy.  My sister says he is probably a three-year-old.  All I know is he makes the deer look like midgets!

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