Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sweet Bella

Bella is visiting us for a few days while her family is busy.  She is very comfortable at our house, and she is a very easy guest.

I noticed something today, however, that I have never noticed before.  I wonder if Bella knows that Babs is old and blind.  When I put the two dogs outside, Bella is usually the first one back to come inside.  When I open the door, she comes in . . . and then goes back outside.  She stands on the step, looking for Babs.  She will not come in until Babs is on the step, ready to come inside.  She lets Babs in first, and then she comes in behind.  It is as if she is making sure Babs does not freeze or stays out too long.

It is so sweet.  I wish I could look into those sweet eyes and ask her how she knows to take care of Babs.  But she is doing a great job.

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