Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Used to Be

Used to be I could not wait for Thanksgiving.  Not because of Thanksgiving but because it meant a few days off with my family.  A few days to sleep in.  A few days to catch up with the laundry, shopping, bookkeeping, and other chores.

Now I look forward to the things that mean Thanksgiving.  Being with the family, finding gratitude in the little things, thanking God for our many blessings.

Used to be, Thanksgiving meant china, silver, copious amounts of food, dressing for dinner, football games.

Now, it means china and silver when possible, dressing up if we can . . . But more than that it means being comfortable with the people involved, not stressing about how we are dressed but instead cherishing those around us.

Used to be Thanksgiving meant being with just the immediate family.

Now it means much more than that.  This year, Di invited some of her friends from school to her house.  The numbers of people have changed, but that is fine.  It is about sharing and fun.  The only rule?  No paper plates!  It will be very nice . . . And fun.

Age has mellowed me somewhat.  And I have learned to enjoy the relationships, the people, the preparation, the anticipation.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  May you enjoy those around you.

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