Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It is Just Too Weird

Sometimes things happen that are just too weird.  So far today we have had two of them . . . and it is still early.  First, Kenneth called, and he was telling his dad about the two bucks that he had just seen standing next to a cornfield.  Don mentioned that we had had two does at the cabin, and then he turned the phone over to me.  As I looked outside, I said to Kenneth, "Huh.  We have two big bucks outside the cabin."  We had not seen the bucks before, but now here they were.  Too weird.

Then we took a walk, and as we crossed the bridge below the cabin, Don saw what we think is a vole in the road.  It just sat there, puffed up and seemingly unhurt, as we approached it.  Using our "trash-picker-upper" Don touched its back, and he even tried to pick it up.  It never tried to run.  He put it down, and in about ten seconds, it slowly and then more rapidly scurried to the grass.  Really odd!

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