Monday, August 25, 2014


Dr. Cederberg said we would know when it was time, and indeed we did.  Don and I were hoping Babs would just quietly pass away, but that was not to be.  By the time we returned from our trip to Oregon, we knew time was short.  She had lost so much muscle she could no longer stand up.  That was just not fair.

Thursday morning we called the vet and that evening we took her in.  It was heartbreaking to say good-bye, but it was the compassionate thing to do.  Her 22 pounds had withered to under 8 pounds.  She just could not continue the way she was.

Babs was quite the trouper.  As long as Sepia was alive, she was his sidekick - literally.  He would back up to her and kick at her to keep her from getting too much attention.  She would lie down on her side to allow Chaco to groom her.  She did not really like to be held, but she liked to sleep next to people.

The bald cypress in our backyard was particularly difficult for Babs.  The fronds would stick to her fur and not let go.  She hated the way we pulled those off of her!  And she had a fang that was with her until her dying day.  It is particularly visible in this picture.

After Sepia passed away, however, she became the queen bee, and she knew it.  She took her spot in my seat in the RV and did not relinquish it.  She followed me room to room, and she made sure to let me know she was here.  She still did not like to be held until the last month, and then I think it was a comfort to her.  She was a delightful little dog who was great company, and we miss her.  But she, her brother, and her sister are all together again.  We will be spreading their ashes at the cabin where they loved to explore.

Hunting Wabbits!
Go 'Cats!

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