Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Book Club

I love my book club. I have read some amazing books since joining. I don't know that I would have chosen any of the books we have read, but so far, I have enjoyed nearly every book we have read. I even got through Atlas Shrugged. My friend Ginny was impressed that the group was able to have a good discussion about that book without hostility or anger. Diana's favorite book is Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead, both by Ayn Rand. I can't say Atlas Shrugged is my favorite . . . but at least I can now intelligently discuss the concepts presented!

The latest book we read is A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway. I wasn't sure what to think when I saw it on the list . . . a war book? But I decided to read it. And I loved it . . . except for the last chapter. The love story, the descriptions of the war . . . they were beautiful. And not to spoil it for anyone, but it ended so sadly. I didn't cry . . . but I could have. I do understand why it is such a classic book.

Next month, we will read The Paris Wife, which is about Hemingway's first wife. Kathy Dunlavy, my walking buddy, tells me that it is a very interesting book. I am hoping I will understand more about why Hemingway writes the way he does after reading it.

Our book club has been a mind expanding exercise for me, and I have loved it!


  1. OOOOhh. I didn't realize that's what The Paris Wife was about. Now I want to read it! I love Hemingway in "Midnight in Paris," the movie. Have you seen it? I LOVED IT. Super fun.

  2. No, haven't seen it, but sounds like I should.
