Sunday, July 21, 2019


Driving in Canada is relatively easy.  The speed limits are slower, but with the winding mountain roads, it doesn’t really matter, and the scenery is so spectacular, who cares?  We did see evidence of some rather large fires since we were here last, but they were already filling in.  Nature is certainly miraculous in her abilities to heal.

In one spot, we saw some big-horn sheep next to the road.  It scared me that they were so close, but they seemed not to be bothered by the cars.  We did not see much other wildlife, but we will.  

I love how the Canadians build wildlife tunnels for the animals to go from side to side. They build large fences that the elk cannot push down, and it leads them either to a bridge over the highway, or a tunnel under the highway.  I am sure they save lives both human and animal.

We only had time to look around Banff for a little while, but it is a charming town.  It is pretty crowded right now, but that’s ok. We won’t be here for long, and we’ll enjoy the ambiance while we can.

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