Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Holly, Part 3

I have so many favorite dogs. Of course, Babs is #1. Then there are Bella and PattySue, both of whom have funny personalities with cute quirks. And then there's Holly.

We got to see Holly when we went to Texas a few weeks ago, and she is still one of the cutest dogs I know. She is a bigger Sepia or Babs, with curly hair, a teddy bear face, and sweet disposition. I love how calm she is, and she obeys beautifully. She hardly barks, she loves to be cuddled . . . she is an amazing dog.

Several months ago, I posted a "not so modest" pose of Holly on the couch. She frequently sleeps on her back, and I thought it was cute. When Diana sent the following picture to me, I laughed out loud. Apparently when Holly gets down from the couch, she stretches. On this particular day, however, she stretched . . . and then fell back asleep. In.this.position. I loved it.

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