Sunday, February 12, 2012

Questions from Aubrey

Several days ago I was tagged by my friend, Aubrey. She sent eleven questions for me to answer and asked me to send eleven different questions to eleven friends who blog. But I have a problem with that part: I don't know eleven people who blog . . . and those I do know would kill me if I sent them eleven questions to answer.

That being said, I thought her questions were fun, so I decided to try to answer them.

1-What is your favorite thing to bake or cook?
Maybe Maple Nut Twists, but I also like to make enchiladas, green chile stew, and Grandmother's Oatmeal Bread.
2-What was the last book you read and loved?
Pope Joan, I think, though I have read some really good books in my book club. Currently reading Cleopatra, and I like it too.
3-What are the words you live by?
Treat others as you would have them treat you; have an attitude of gratitude.
4-What do you order at Starbucks (or other coffee shop)?
Grande non-fat Chai Tea Latte with cinnamon on top
5-What is your favorite sport and team?
You need to ask? K-State Football, with Green Bay following pretty closely. Also the Lobos, but I have been away from New Mexico long enough that I don't follow them as closely anymore.
6-What was your first concert?
Don't laugh. Peter, Paul and Mary. I was enthralled.
7-What is your favorite place you have ever been?
I have been some pretty cool places. Yellowstone in the winter was pretty awesome; Alaska was amazing; London, Germany, Italy, Greece, Austria are all amazing. Denmark was beyond awesome. How do I choose? Of course, my favorite place is the cabin, but I don't think that's the point of this question. So I will have to say Florence, Italy.
8-Do you love or hate your middle name?
Neither. It's all right.
9-Why did you start blogging?
I started to try to sell my Wildflowers booklets . . . but I quickly found that I didn't have enough material to keep it going . . . so I expanded.
10-What is your favorite movie to watch over and over?
The Sound of Music. Over and over.
11-What is your most expensive piece of clothing? (shoes count!)
Hum. Since I have retired, I don't have expensive clothing. But I did buy a pair of French Dressing Jeans . . . the ones recommended by Oprah. I like them a lot.

So that's my eleven.

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