Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ideas, ideas, ideas

I remember one year when we were in Santa Fe visiting one of Don's friends from Dodge City, Hoss Haley. Hoss is a renowned artist, and at the time he was exhibiting at one of the galleries in Santa Fe. As we toured the gallery, I asked him about his inspiration for his items. His response perplexed me. He said he had so many ideas that sometimes it was hard for him to finish one project because he was so excited to get to the next one. I couldn't imagine . . . since I do not have that artistic sense, I couldn't figure out how he could have so many ideas for new designs. It just didn't make sense.

Yesterday I had an "ah ha" moment regarding his comment. As I was thinking about this blog, I kept coming up with new ideas for topics about which to blog. Then I realized that I have been coming up with books to research and children's stories to write, also. Suddenly I had way too many ideas and not nearly enough time to complete all of them. Just like Hoss.

And that's when I realized that creativity takes many forms - inherently I knew that, but I don't think I had put it together in quite the same way. Just because I don't have an artistic bone in my body doesn't mean I can't be creative or have ideas. Maybe there's hope for me yet!

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