Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jane Eyre

It wasn't until I went to the first session of the summer reading challenge that I realized there were three Bronte sisters - not just one Bronte woman! And the three Bronte sisters were very interesting women who all were writers and who didn't live very long. Charlotte, who wrote Jane Eyre, outlived her other sisters, but she died at age 39.

Kathy Dunlavy, who is doing the summer challenge with me, described Jane Eyre as a bit of a page turner. I hadn't started it yet and was somewhat skeptical, but indeed I found it to be so. I loved the way she made her women strong and opinionated, not willing to put up with the way women were treated back then. Her flowery language and eloquent sentences made for a pleasant read.

But what is the deal with the ghost scenes? That's why I put the book down back in 8th grade. And I notice that Wuthering Heights has ghost scenes at the beginning, also. Was that a trend back then, to have ghosts and crazy women in attics? Perhaps at tonight's meeting, I will get an answer. I will keep you posted.

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