Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Well, here it is the end of January. By now, I was going to have lost 8 pounds. Nope. 2.

By now, I was going to have my basement completely cleaned out. Nope. Not close. I did get my Christmas decorations put away and sorted, and three drawers are cleaned. But there's still so much to do.

By now, my bedroom was going to be completely organized. Nope. Not touched.

By now, I was going to have shed myself of the Starbucks habit. Nope. Still happily drinking my Chai Tea Lattes.

By now, PattySue Finds a Home and A School Like No Other were going to be selling like crazy. Nope. Some sales, yes. Like crazy? Nope.

I guess that means I need to set more goals for February . . . and work harder at achieving them. Starting tomorrow . . .

1 comment:

  1. rather than stating that you are going to have the basement completely cleaned out, set the much more manageable goal of spending 20 minutes or one hour each day cleaning out a portion of the basement.
