Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Many Faces of Don

Well, today while I am inside writing blog posts, Don is outside changing the rear tire of the Jeep.  It was wearing oddly and we decided we would be better off putting the spare tire on before we had a problem.

But that is just one of many things I love about Don.  He can do almost anything.  I tried to get him to take the car in to Prince George and have someone else change it.  But he knew he could do it himself . . . and he did.

Since we have been gone he has had to do more than his share of maintenance.  But I think he enjoys it.  It makes him problem solve, which is a strength of his, and it brings out a little of the farmer in him.  He brought many tools with him, including an air compressor.  Thank goodness we had them - he has needed almost all of them sometime during the trip.

Don and I are so compatible, it is almost scary.  We enjoy the same things, we love nature and learning,  we like to try new things.  So a trip like this was going to be easy . . . and it has been.

Don has been planning this trip for a long time.  Ever since we took a trip with his family in 1998, he has been thinking of what he wanted to do when we got here.  I hope it has met his expectations.

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