Thursday, March 14, 2024

Botanical Gardens

While our tour operators went to pick up some other people, they dropped us off at the Botanical Gardens. Australia knows how to grow bushes and trees. The gardens were very peaceful and we saw numerous new plants, but also some that we have in Wichita. I have decided just to post a few pictures, and if I know what they are, I have written below.
A monkey puzzle tree
The lily pond.
A member of the protea family and a bee loving the flower.
In the pictures above you can see a thistle (it is a different subspecies than the ones we have, but of course, ours are noxious weeds, and they grow them in botanical gardens), coreopsis, lilies of many different sorts, and a plant that collects water. We thought the water was to attract insects, but instead, it provides nutrients to the plant. So many interesting plants! Finally, on our way out we saw the Bunya Bunya tree, and Don thought he was being very funny with this picture.

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