Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Wild and Crazy

We had a lovely apartment in Christchurch that came equipped with a washing machine. It is similar to what a person would have in an RV and Don had thought about putting one in at the cabin. So we decided to try it. Don put the laundry in and he and Micky went to breakfast while I showered. As I stepped out of the shower, something was wrong. An airplane was taking off in the kitchen - I have never heard such banging and clanging. I raced into the kitchen to see what was happening, and clearly, the washer was out of balance and it had danced its way out of the closet, turned itself around, and was headed down the hall. Not having my glasses on (and you can imagine what else might have been missing), I began punching buttons to get the thing to stop. I called Don in somewhat of a panic, and he casually told me to rebalance it. How bad could it be? "It will be fine," he assured me. Ha! Not to be. After breakfast he came back and realized why I had called him . . . We got through the load of clothes, though it did it a few more times; and the next night, after we thought a workman had come to work on it (and we think someone did something), we tried it again.
The next morning, I showed the video to the woman at the desk. Her eyes were quite wide after she saw it. I hope they get it fixed before it explodes on someone. And before we get one for the cabin, we are going to make sure this is an anomaly and not the real thing!

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