Sunday, August 4, 2019

Bunnies of the Feral Sort

When we drove into the RV lot at Valdez, the first thing I saw were bunnies - black, gray, and brown ones.  They are not bunnies of the jackrabbit or "backyard of the Nortons" sort.  They are obviously domesticated bunnies run wild, but how did that happen and how do they survive?

I read about the feral bunnies in a local newspaper, and there are three theories about how these rabbits got there:

  1. There was a "bunny farm" that somehow let loose all of their bunnies;
  2. Someone let their domesticated bunnies loose;
  3. Someone planned to let the bunnies out as entertainment for tourists.
No one knows exactly what happened, but apparently the bunnies are here to stay.  As can be expected, there are those who like them and those who don't.  I wondered how they survive the winters, but there are people who feed them through the winter, and that gets them through.  

We have thought them to be quite entertaining, but they have caused us issues with dogs.  They think they are in their back yard and try to chase them; and one day Chaco bolted out the door to find them - luckily he got stuck under an RV so Bart could catch them.

Since I love watching bunnies, it has been fun - as long as they aren't in my back yard!

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