Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Dance of the Arachnophobics

It's that time of year again. Time to do the Dance of the Arachnophobics.

I wasn't familiar with the dance when I came to Kansas. As a matter of fact, I had never heard of it. But not long after we bought our first house, I went outside one August night, only to walk into the web of an orb spider. I screamed, madly trying to tear the web off my face, hair, and arms. Dancing around, I finally rid myself of the dreaded sticky hairs, and the supposed spider that I knew was crawling in my hair.

Several days later, Don went outside, only to hit the ground trying to escape the webbed monster. Every year since, in the early August mornings or evenings, we tip-toe around, looking for the harmless spider and her web. We know the webs catch nasty flies, mosquitoes, and other insects. We just hate it when it catches us.

Last week, we were taking our usual walk through the park with the dogs and Bella. Suddenly up ahead, I see Don start the Arachnophobic dance - swatting his head, grabbing his arms, kicking his legs. The dreaded web had been built across the sidewalk. Doesn't any self-respecting spider know you can't do that?

Then this weekend, Don had to go to the neighbor's backyard, and I saw him start the same dance. I laughed . . . until I realized he wasn't doing the Arachnid dance, but was instead doing the deadly Wasp dance. Not so funny. He escaped unstung, thankfully.

So if you are in an area where the orb spiders build their web, be watchful. You may see some unsuspecting person suddenly begin the Dance of the Arachnophobics. Don't laugh - you could be next!

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