Friday, August 6, 2010

Musings from Bella, Part III

Well, I slept almost through the night . . . and when I went back to my kennel I settled right down. I think I am getting used to the routine. But when the alarm went off, I was ready to go!!! They said they won't set the alarm on Saturday morning so that maybe they can sleep later!

Today I got to meet Patty Sue. She wasn't very sure about me, and on our walk, I just couldn't stand the thought of heeling, because Patty Sue was ahead of me. When we got home, though, we played and played hard. I hope Patty Sue comes back . . . she is lots of fun! When I took my second walk, I had lots of birds to look at . . . The lady said I didn't do as well today, whatever that means.

The backyard is exciting! There are lots of rabbits, and I love going into the asparagus to find them. I can see them from the deck - and they can't see me - so I have surprised a few! Haven't caught any, however.

The other two dogs are getting used to me, I think. They don't realize they are getting more peanut butter than normal because I get some in my Kong . . . but they are tolerating me better. The lady put a treat in the Kong that I have been trying to get for about 12 hours now. The peanut butter comes out easily, but this treat is really hard . . . I am still working at it.

I got to go back to see Fr. Steve and Mtr. Laurie. I have learned to stay in the back seat, and I even lay down back there once. I like to ride in the car, and sometimes I get a dog treat! Today when we went to the yellow arch place, I ate mine so fast, I got to get some of the black one's treat. On the way home, the black dog and the red dog both got in the front seat and sat there together (with that big purple suitcase the lady carries), so I got the whole back seat to myself! That's living!

In the basement, they have a big blue ball. They used it this morning while Patty Sue's mom was here . . . they sat on it and lifted some heavy bars of metal. I just chase it around the basement. I keep trying to bite it, and I bark at it, but it just rolls away. Then it hits something and bounces up, which scares me. So I sit down, cock my head, and look at it. Then it stops until I push it again. It's lots of fun.

The lady has found she didn't "Bella proof" as well as she thought. I have found all sorts of things under the desk that she didn't know were there. I bring them to her, and she keeps saying, "Bella, where did you find that? Good girl." I know she likes me :)

The lady keeps saying she is Bella Sitting. I am not sure what she means because she doesn't sit a lot . . . but anything with my name in it must be a good thing.

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