Saturday, July 27, 2013


I am learning a new language on my trip.  It is called Bostonian.

One day on our way to the store, Chris was talking to Di about a wild animal.  All I could make of it was wild foxes.  Then she said something about hahses.  Hahses?  I asked her what the animals were.  Hahses.  "Oh," she said, "you say it 'hor sis.'" Horses.  Yes, she can say horses if she thinks about it and says it in two syllables . . . slowly.

Later that evening, Chris and Don were talking about a lake she would frequent.  They were trying to get the wof in.  Wof?  I continued to listen, thinking I would hear raft or some other word or context I could identify.  But no.  She said it again . . . wof.  So I asked her what a wof is.  She looked at me like I was from out of space.  "You don't know what a wof is?"  

"You mean a wharf?"  I said.

"Yes, that's what I said."

We decided that we would use the word dock.

Now Don was listening the whole time, and he admitted he did not know what a wof was either . . . but did he ask?  No.  He says he figured it out by the context, but I don't believe a word of it!

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