Saturday, July 27, 2013

Signs and More Signs

To my Kansas friends:  Have you ever driven by Mullinville to see all of the crazy sculptures and wind ornaments that decorate the highway through the town?  Well, we have found its match in Watson Lake.  The Signpost Forest.

In 1942, a young soldier who was working on the Alaska Highway put up a sign that told his hometown and the mileage from there to Watson Lake.  Soon other people started putting up their signs, license plates, or hometowns.  It has grown and grown.

We explored the forest, and it is a maze inside.  We found signs from all over the world . . . Don't Overlook Overbrook, Kansas, for example . . . and Greece, Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Mexico - you get the idea.  We added our own sign to it:

We are not the only KSU sign, we feel certain.  We did see one that said Kansas State University, but the Powercat was not a part of it.  Somewhere in that maze there probably is one, but ours is the most visible now, because it is on the outside of the maze on the newest post, the second to be installed.  So at least for a little while, Willie the Wildcat will be very visible.

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