Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Baby Beluga in the Deep Blue Sea

As we were driving to Anchorage to pick up the Jeep (and we left most of our camera equipment in the RV), we were going by Turnagain Arm as the tide was changing.  Last time we drove by, the wind was whipping at Kansas speed; today it wasn't so bad.  Suddenly I looked out and saw something suspicious in the water.  Teri looked and we both saw water being blown into the air.  Whales!

The whales are a long ways off, but the "bumps" in the water are obvious
And they looked white.  Very white.  Sure enough, they were beluga whales chasing silver salmon.  We counted at least 20 of them!  Unfortunately, we only had my small camera, so any pictures of a gray day and gray water with little dots of gray coming up are rather uninspiring. So just leave it to your imagination what a group of whales diving up and down as they swim along must look like!

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