Saturday, August 31, 2013


One of my favorite activities, and one I have duplicated several times with Betsy, is picking berries.  In this case, we picked blueberries and cranberries.  We went three different places to find them, but finally, in her secret place, we found enough to allow me to make two batches of blueberry jam.

I was a little concerned about being able to cook it in the RV, but frankly, it was a breeze.  I had one pot that I used for both the cooking and the processing, and it worked great.  I didn't start either batch until after 9:30 at night, but both were done by about midnight.  

The crowning glory of the first batch was that when I was through, Babs was still eating. I took her outside to find that the aurora was out.  It skittered across the sky a few times, enough that Katie and Don were able to see it.  Unfortunately, Don could not get his camera to work, so he did not get pictures of it.  Guess we will have to see another one!

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