Thursday, April 16, 2015

Homemade Ice Cream

After visiting the National Park, we began looking for lunch.  I noticed on my map that the tour folks had written the words Homemade Ice Cream.  And coming up on our left was Efstidalur, a farm and restaurant.  We decided to forego lunch and just have ice cream.  That sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

We drove a narrow road, wound around a few buildings, and stopped at what looked like a restaurant. We walked in downstairs, and we went into a cafe, complete with this scenery:

Yes, cows.  They are housed in the barn right behind the ice cream store.  So while we ate the ice cream they ate their dinner.

This farm happened to be a full-scale dairy.  They grow their hay, milk their cows, and then make all sorts of dairy products with it.  If their ice cream is any indication, they do a fine job!

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