Friday, April 24, 2015

The Icelandic Sense of Humor

I noticed on the plane over that the IcelandAir pocket information had a humorous tone to it.  For example, the menu had such statements as:

If you are bored, try eating your yogurt with a fork.  That will take up some of your time.

Fruit was something we could only get in stores around Christmas.  Now we serve it on airplanes - very cosmopolitan.

Long bread is much more fun than shortbread.  You can use it in many fun ways.  Balance it on your nose or on your head.  Or poke your neighbor with it.  Or just eat it.

"Munnpurrka" is the proper Icelandic word for napkin but it takes a napkin to say it -so the most common term is "servietes."

Hand-cooked and salted gourmet chips. Served in a box you can reuse for wrapping a Christmas present.

The Icelandic doughnut. Need we say more.  It has probably been chewed on at every family gathering since the settlement.

I wish I had written down the no smoking sign verbiage at the IcelandAir hotels.  They warn against smoking, making sure to inform that the 35,000 Krone fine is not worth the opportunity to break the law.

Another story they tell is about the good-looking women on the island.  As they tell it:

We are told that the Icelandic women are the best looking women in the world.  Back in the Viking days, they went to the British Isles and stole all of the beautiful women there and brought them back to Iceland.  This explains both our good-looking women and those in the U.K.  

We also found when talking with Toti at the guesthouse, that the Icelanders are story tellers . . . And it is hard to tell when they are being truthful or not.  I struggled with that.

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