Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Upon arriving in Iceland, we began to see pictures of trolls and elves.  They were everywhere.  Several articles alluded to the presence of little people on the island, some suggesting that one only needs to look at the hills to see them.

In an Icelandic booklet called What's On, this question-answer explanation appears in the April, 2015, edition:

"Icelanders believe in elves, trolls and other mystical beings.  Even science says so.  There was that one survey that showed more than half of Icelanders do!

Yeeeeaaahhh . . . listen, I read that survey, and the way they got to that number was basically asking 'is it impossible that elves exist' to which half the population would answer 'no.'  That's not the same as actively believing in them though.  I mean I don't believe in ghosts, but I don't want to find out I'm wrong, either!  It's not like the average person leaves out milk and honey at night for the elves."

Well, Don has proof of the existence of trolls on the island:

We also found where the trolls live:

We believe.

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